PN Coal – Lithgow Depot Stand Up to Stand Downs

Further to yesterday’s Newsletter, today your RTBU Locomotive Division Organiser and Industrial Officer met with Pacific National Hierarchy to attempt to resolve the dispute regarding Pacific Nationals intention to stand employees down.

Pacific National sought clarification of the dispute as they seemed to believe that we were disputing the EA Process and consultation provisions. We made it very clear to PN, our position is the that Stand Downs are illegitimate and again referred PN to the legal precedent in support of our position. Pacific National reiterated that they believed they had followed the EA process. We reminded them the dispute was not about the process but rather whether Pacific National have the right to stand people down under the Enterprise Agreement.

Pacific National agreed that they would take some time to review the dispute, legislation, and case law, and respond formally over the next few days. A meeting will also be scheduled to discuss the response. Pacific National also agreed that, whilst the dispute process continues, the Status Quo provisions of the DSP apply and the employees will not be stood down as long as the matter continues under the Dispute Resolution provisions.

We understand that this process is not ideal in the fact that there is still uncertainty; however members should be proud in the fact that because of their strong resistance holding PN to account, PN has been forced to review its position and not stand employees down as intended.

We will advise members of next steps once we have further details from PN. In the interim if members have any questions they should contact their delegate or this office.

Download a copy of the newsflash here.

