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PN Bulk EA 2022 – Survey Reminder and Next Steps

As reported last week, the survey for you next EA is underway and will close Friday, 23 April. While we have had an enthusiastic response from members so far, we understand those on shiftwork do not always get time to read emails and fill forms out, so we have tried to make things as simple and easy as possible.

To complete the survey, just click on the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CYP5TJJ

While the survey is underway and discussions are being had to establish and endorse the bargaining team, correspondence has been sent today formally requesting that PN agree to meet the RTBU Locomotive Division in line with the mutual obligations of clause A50.3. PN have been advised that at the initial meeting/s to work out logistics and process, the Locomotive Division will be represented by Senior Locomotive Division Officials and your Divisional Councillors, Dave Roberts, Wayne Pallant (North and South Coal), Mark Supple, and Aaron Whitehead (North and South Bulk).

We have also asked Pacific National to advise us if they are proposing changes to the scope of the agreement and when they will issue their formal Notice of Representational Rights as required under the Fair Work Act 2009.

Whilst this is occurring we will continue our preparation by:

  • Collating the results of the member survey to compile your log of claims for membership endorsement,
  • Setting up your bargaining team and getting Divisional Council endorsement, and
  • Arranging Training for your Negotiating Team

Further information will be provided once we receive feedback from PN and once the survey is final.

Remember to have your say in the survey and check out Loco Express for all things Loco.

Download a copy of the newsflash here.

