PN Bulk EA Update
Since our previous newsletter in July, the state experienced a second round of Covid lockdowns throughout Sydney and regional NSW and unfortunately negotiations were stalled.
From the start, Pacific National stated they would prefer to meet face to face and were initially in the process of setting up regional hub meetings as lockdowns were extended.
The RTBU Locomotive Division obviously prefer to meet face to face but have continually made it clear to PN that we are ready and willing to start bargaining even if electronic meetings are our only option.
Pacific National approached the RTBU Locomotive Division executive a few weeks ago proposing we wait until Government vaccination targets are met, and movements are no longer restricted. They proposed an intense bargaining period of one week on one week off kicking off after Christmas.
Considering the circumstances, PN’s proposal was put to your delegates for consideration. Different proposals were exchanged between the Locomotive Division and the Company in efforts to expedite negotiations and ensure that bargaining is not unreasonably delayed. Delegates could not agree with PN’s proposals as they will not accept any process that delays bargaining or prevents members from being able to take protected action to support their claims.
The RTBU Locomotive Division has strongly conveyed to PN that now travel restrictions have eased, there is no reason why bargaining cannot commence immediately. A risk assessment for face-to-face meetings was conducted Wednesday 3/11/21 and from that point on there is no reason why meetings cannot commence.
As reported back in June, your delegates from across the state met and reviewed your survey of claims and a Log of claims was developed. Unfortunately, due to covid we have not been able to hold face-to-face meetings which was obviously our preference. Due to the need to get our log endorsed we will now be holding a number of video meetings over the next two weeks. Details are listed below and as travel restrictions have now eased you will also start to see Organiser’s out doing depot visits between now and Christmas.
Video Meetings Schedule

Members will be sent an invite and will need to accept prior to the meeting. If you cannot attend your Depot’s meeting but can attend another please email newcastle@rtbu and we will send you an invite. If your details are not up to date, then you will also need to contact us with your correct details.
If you have any questions, please contact your local delegate and or organiser. In the meantime, we know there are a lot of new people starting out there both with PN and labour hire. We strongly encourage you to speak with your new work mates and get them to join the Union. Only through unity and strength can we build on your rights and conditions.