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Sydney Trains Peer Support Crew

Mar 26, 2019

Members are advised that Sydney Trains has recently trained an additional 58 Peer Support Volunteers (PSVs) as a part of the Critical Incident Support program instituted to assist members following work related traumatic events. This […] Read More »

News: ‘The Sydney Metro Northwest tunnels — death traps in the making’

Mar 26, 2019

Gladys Berejiklian and Sydney Metro have cut dangerous corners when it comes to emergency evacuation plans, writes John Maconochie. IN THE EVENT OF a Metro train emergency – such as derailment, fire or deliberate sabotage – […] Read More »

International Day of Mourning Service – April 28th

Mar 25, 2019

International Day of Mourning, held on April 28th each year, is a time for the community to come together and reflect on and remember the thousands of workers who are killed in their workplace each […] Read More »

Brisbane Times: It could take years to hire 200 new train drivers for Queensland Rail

Mar 21, 2019

By Felicity Caldwell Since the start of rolling cancellations on Queensland Rail trains shone a light on driver shortages and an unsustainable reliance on overtime, only 66 net new drivers have been recruited. That is […] Read More »

Aurizon NSW Coal Operations Enterprise Agreement 2018

Mar 20, 2019

The Fair Work Commission have today certified, stamped and signed the Enterprise Agreement.This will come into effect in 7 days on 27th March 2019 and expire on 10th November 2021. Click here to download the […] Read More »

New Intercity Fleet negotiations continue

Mar 19, 2019

Negotiations continue into the operational details of the New InterCity Fleet but as these pictures from South Korea show, the manufacturing stage is now at a point that allows the first carriage consists to be […] Read More »

RMTU NZ – The Activist Newsletter

Mar 15, 2019

Click here to download the latest transport workers’ news from New Zealand. Read More »

Fume Events Pacific National Coal & Freight

Members have recently reported a marked increase of fume incidents on 92 and 93 class locomotives when traversing tunnels. The RTBU Locomotive division is currently assisting your health and safety representatives to progress this matter […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Drivers Taskforce Update – March 2019

Mar 11, 2019

The Locomotive Division would like to advise Members that following last week’s Drivers Issues Taskforce final agreement has been reached and correspondence exchanged regarding the outstanding issues of:  Clarifying the application of liftup/layback – […] Read More »

Southern Shorthaul Railway – Agreement Update

Mar 6, 2019

Members are advised that following a telephone hook up with the Company last week the major outstanding item of DutyFree (Green) Days remains outstanding. Whilst the Locomotive Division have continued to argue for the claim […] Read More »


