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Asbestos found on Sydney Metro North West site as union demands answers

Aug 21, 2017

By Anna Patty, SMH.  Workers at the Sydney Metro North West site who fear they may have been exposed to asbestos returned to work on Friday after the area was shut down for inspection this […] Read More »

PN Bulk & Coal: It’s time to vote

Aug 21, 2017

Congratulations – the Fair Work Commission has approved your request for a Protected Action Ballot! What happens next? The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) will request a list of eligible employees from management and a list […] Read More »

PN intermodal drivers around the country show solidarity

Aug 21, 2017

PN intermodal drivers around the country are showing solidarity as PN intermodal EA negotiations continue. Check out photos from Alice Springs, Kalgoolie, Pt Augusta and Pt Kembla. Read More »

Success! The Opcrew rostering dispute has been resolved

Aug 21, 2017

Members will recall the previous Loco Express article advising of the Step 2 Dispute in relation to the implementation of the Opcrew rostering system across regional depots. The Loco Division is pleased to advise that […] Read More »

People do not vote for politicians who gloat about abolishing their jobs

Aug 18, 2017

There has been an overwhelming reaction to Transport Minister Constance’s gloating that we won’t need public transport workers in the future. Here’s RTBU National Secretary’s response to the article in the Sydney Morning Herald: He […] Read More »

Constance: ‘No more drivers; no more union’

Aug 17, 2017

  In addition to a media release today, the RTBU Locomotive Division would like to address the recent comments made by the NSW Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, in relation to the future of the public […] Read More »

NEWSFLASH: Pacific National Bulk & Coal NSW

Aug 17, 2017

Pacific National Bulk & Coal NSW Make Your Voice Heard At recent depot meetings, you endorsed your delegates and organisers to apply for a protected action ballot. This ballot is your chance to tell management […] Read More »

Minister reveals true motive behind transport decisions. Hint: it’s not the needs of the public

Aug 17, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE, 17 August 2017: The NSW Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, has revealed he is more interested in attacking workers than he is in fixing the state’s ailing public transport systems and improving commuter safety – […] Read More »

‘We won’t need train and bus drivers’: Transport Minister

Aug 17, 2017

NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance says he sees a day in the future when the private sector will deliver public transport services instead of government. Read the article in the Sydney Morning Herald here and […] Read More »

Aurizon intermodal announcement

Aug 16, 2017

Aurizon’s announcement that it will close its non-Queensland Interstate Intermodal operations has come as a shock. At no point has Aurizon indicated to the RTBU that this decision was in the winds. While we have […] Read More »

