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PN Bulk & Coal: What’s at stake in the protected action ballot?

Sep 11, 2017Update

This Protected Action Ballot is our only way of ensuring that we can take industrial action to fight for fair working conditions, without worrying about losing our jobs.

Remember this is a postal ballot, so the only way you will receive the voting form is in your mailbox. If you have not yet received the ballot, you need to act now and contact Jennifer at the Australian Electoral Commission on (02) 8892 0330.

Together, we will have the ability to fight back against unfair conditions.

There is a lot at stake. Some of the things we need to win are,

  • Proper consultation
  • Limits on casualisation and labour hire
  • No reduction in conditions
  • Maintaining shift penalties (APM)
  • Fairer redundancy offers and voluntary swaps
  • An independent umpire that can arbitrate a dispute
  • Accommodation standards for barracks
  • A fair and reasonable wage increase

If you care about any of these issues – we need you to vote, and vote YES to all action options!  

We need at least 50% of members to vote, and vote YES for us to have any chance of securing a win in this really important ballot.

Click here to download the easy HOW TO VOTE form!

Remember to post your ballot back! The return address will be contained inside the voting papers.

In Solidarity,

Your RTBU team.

Download a PDF of this bulletin here.

