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Farewell and thanks to Ian Wyllie

Farewell and thanks to Ian Wyllie

Nov 28, 2014

The Loco Division is farewelling Loco Division Assistant Secretary Ian Wyllie, who after just short of 28 years in the industry is heading off to enjoy retirement. Read More »

The results are in…

The results are in…

Nov 28, 2014

Official numbers are still to come, but the result of the union election is clear – the RTBU United team with Alex Claassens as Secretary has been re-elected to lead your union into the future. Read More »

Global info sharing. You’d be surprised how small the world is.

Global info sharing. You’d be surprised how small the world is.

Nov 26, 2014

Unions right across the world share similar concerns and issues. Within the rail industry, the similarities between the challenges faced by our division and similar divisions interstate and overseas are even more closely aligned. Read More »

Sydney Trains’ summer of discontent

Sydney Trains’ summer of discontent

Nov 25, 2014

The recent searing Sydney temperatures have left a large number of Sydney Trains drivers very hot under the collar. Read More »

The crib issue that keeps going and going…

The crib issue that keeps going and going…

Nov 24, 2014

NSW Trains’ failure to resolve the ongoing issue crib breaks being paid incorrectly has forced the Loco Division to take the issue to the Fair Work Commission. Read More »

The myriad of PN issues and dispute – get the low down

The myriad of PN issues and dispute – get the low down

Nov 21, 2014

On the surface, Pacific National may look as though it is ‘one PN’. But dig a little and the image becomes a little murky – particularly when it comes to enterprise agreements. Read More »

Just hours left to cast your vote

Just hours left to cast your vote

Nov 20, 2014

Have you voted in the union election yet? You’ve got until 5pm Monday to make sure the Australian Electoral Commission gets your ballot paper. Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

Secretary’s wrap

Nov 14, 2014

It’s been a long running saga, but its finally looking as though we’re edging closer to an enterprise agreement at Freightliner. There are a few key items still on the table, such as the term […] Read More »

Where’d those 10 hours go?

Where’d those 10 hours go?

Nov 13, 2014

Aurizon Coal’s move to strip workers of 10 hours of annual leave has forced the RTBU to lodge a dispute over the issue. Read More »

Freightliner talks slowly progressing

Freightliner talks slowly progressing

Nov 11, 2014

Progress is finally being made on the Freightliner Coal EA, with just a few items still outstanding. Read More »

