RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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New look Loco Express

Aug 21, 2015

As a result of membership feedback, the Division has made a number of changes to the Loco Express website in an effort to make it more user-friendly and responsive. This has included making the site […] Read More »

New freight organising structure

Aug 21, 2015

Meet Brian Head, Byran Williamson and Greg Cameron – the new organising team in the Freight division. Many of you will already know the three of them, having been involved in the union in various […] Read More »

Future operations ‘reform’ in Sydney Trains

Aug 21, 2015

The RTBU met with Sydney Trains recently for a briefing on the company’s “Future Operations” reform project. Read More »

Farewell to some of Coota’s finest

Aug 21, 2015

The railways lost a collective 310 years experience when these 10 drivers were farewelled at Coota recently.  Read More »

Flemington finally gets new digs

Aug 21, 2015

Sydney Trains has recently opened the new train crew facilities and amenities at Flemington Maintenance Centre. This facility will finally replace the existing substandard demountable buildings which train crew have been forced to use for […] Read More »

Driver Trainer Assessment Process

Aug 21, 2015

Driver trainers were recently made aware that management were about to conduct an assessment of all driver trainers in order to assess their suitability to perform their role. Read More »

Millennium crew cab seats

Aug 21, 2015

The Loco Division has successfully negotiated the installation of Waratah style crew cab seats into Millennium crew cabs. This process has taken several years to achieve with Sydney Trains finally releasing the funding for this […] Read More »

RTBU Women’s Committee arrives at Port Botany

Aug 19, 2015

The RTBU Women’s Committee met today to discuss the issues affecting women in our workplaces. Read More »

Asciano looks set for take-over as trading halts

Aug 17, 2015

Asciano’s share are currently in a trading halt, with speculation that the company is close to recommending a takeover form Brookfield Infrastructure Partners. Asciano requested the trading halt on Tuesday morning. The takeover bid is […] Read More »

Aurizon posts huge profit; expects more cost cutting

Aug 17, 2015

Aurizon has posted a 139 per cent increase in its full-year profit, taking its net profit to $604 million. Read More »


