New freight organising structure
Meet Brian Head, Byran Williamson and Greg Cameron – the new organising team in the Freight division.
Many of you will already know the three of them, having been involved in the union in various capacities over the years.
Brian, Byran and Greg have come on board as part of the new organising team and structure in the division, a trial of which was recently endorsed at the Executive and Divisional Council meetings.
The aim of the new structure is to get your Divisional organisers out and about in local areas so as you can have a chat and raise any workplace issues you may have and to organise.
To equal the focus and resources on each section of the membership to an equivalent of 3 fulltime positions each (freight & passenger) the freight group has been expanded by 1 equivalent position (with Brian, Bryan and Greg filling sharing the 1 freight position) and the regions defined into two organising areas (North and South). The north will be headed by Steve Wright and will cover Newcastle to Brisbane and the North West of the State to Narrabri and across to Mudgee. Steve will be assisted by Bryan Williamson and the Southern area will be lead by Kevin Pryor and assisted by Brian Head with both teams having Greg Cameron as a co-coordinating resource.
The Divisional Secretary Bob Hayden and Freight Executive members Mark Supple and Dave Mathie will oversee and support both teams with Mark Dickson National Organiser also forming part of the working group.
The Teams will provide written reports to both the Freight Drivers Committee and Divisional Council at each of the regular meetings on progress, with Divisional Council adjusting / amending the plan and work schedule as required.
You’ll see all the new faces at the RTBU BBQd being held around the state. See the details of those here.
Working group allocation