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Huge turnout for Rail Entities briefings

Huge turnout for Rail Entities briefings

Jul 18, 2014

Unprecedented numbers of members and activists turned out for the Combined Rail Unions briefings held across the state over recent weeks. Read More »

Enfield Railway Social Club retirement dinner

Enfield Railway Social Club retirement dinner

Jul 14, 2014

The Enfield Railway Social Club is hosting a retirement dinner on Saturday 18th October at the Carlingford Bowling Club, 11am. Read More »

Millennium changes

Millennium changes

Jul 11, 2014

Changes to the Millennium trains are currently occurring at Cardiff, including the installation of new driver and guard secured seats similar to those already in use on various other rolling stock. Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

Secretary’s wrap

Jul 11, 2014

The NSW Government’s approach to improving the state’s public transport system is an interesting one…. Read More »

Jackets off at Moss Vale

Jackets off at Moss Vale

Jul 11, 2014

Things have been getting pretty icy at Moss Vale. The Loco Division has been made aware that management at Moss Vale has been forcing members to remove their non-approved winter jackets while on duty as […] Read More »

Get your Loco backpacks!

Get your Loco backpacks!

Jul 11, 2014

Another shipment of Loco Division backpacks has just arrived – get in quick to secure yours. Read More »

The latest from NZ

The latest from NZ

Jul 10, 2014

The latest edition of The Activist – the newsletter from the Rail & Maritime Transport Union in New Zealand – has just been released. Read More »

RTBU joins Bust the Budget rallies

RTBU joins Bust the Budget rallies

Jul 9, 2014

RTBU members were among the tens of thousands of people who turned out to Bust the Budget rallies across the country last weekend. Read More »

Newcastle commuters to be stranded from Boxing Day

Newcastle commuters to be stranded from Boxing Day

Jul 3, 2014

The Baird Government has announced that trains will stop running into the Newcastle CBD on Boxing Day – a move the Loco Division says put developer interests ahead of those of commuters. Read More »

CountryLink members have their say

CountryLink members have their say

Jun 30, 2014

CountryLink members will have the opportunity to have their say on the current status of the Rail Entities enterprise agreement over the coming weeks. Read More »

