Aurizon EA Negotiation – Update No. 10
Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team came together on Tuesday 19 October 2021 to consider the final position Aurizon tabled last Thursday. We spent time considering how far apart we are and to discuss our options focused on an attempt to close the gap.
We met with Aurizon on Wednesday 20 October to articulate the position we had arrived at and attempt to negotiate with Aurizon to “bridge the gap”. Aurizon requested some time to consider the position we had put forward and we reconvened some 2 and a half hours later to hear the response.
Aurizon came back to the table and advised of some small changes they had been able to make to their “final” position. Aurizon discussed these changes and then provided the RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team with a copy of the document to allow us to further consider their position.
We will meet again next Monday 25 October 2021 as a team in the morning with the intention to reconvene with Aurizon around lunch time to articulate our position on the clauses under review and, if/where we are still apart, seek to continue good faith bargaining.
Aurizon has advised that irrespective of the outcome of our next meeting they will be taking their document to the next step and preparing it to be sent to all employees for consideration and a subsequent vote even if in principle agreement has not been reached.
Should this occur, your negotiating team will also be requesting access to members once the draft is sent out so we can explain what changes have been made, any areas/clauses where we are not agreed and should it be required, discuss options with and seek instructions from members on our next steps.
Please continue to monitor your emails for further invites as we will hold more TEAMS teleconferences in the upcoming weeks once we see if any further movement on clauses above.
Newsflash updates will continue as Enterprise Agreement negotiations progress.
If you have any questions, please contact your local rep or your Locomotive Division Organiser via mobile or email.