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And it’s a yes!!

May 3, 2022Update

Today, Tuesday the 3rd of May, the RTBU Negotiating Team has finally been officially notified by Momentum Management with the EA voting results. 

RTBU Momentum Members have had their say with a resounding 87.3% return rate, and a 68% Yes Vote. 

RTBU Members have secured the following wages and conditions: 

  • 4 Year Agreement 
  • Sign On Bonus – $1000 for those Employed for longer than 6 months – Members will receive a $500 sign on bonus upon ratification of the EA, then a further $500 6 months after – $500 for those Employed for less than 6 months – Members will receive a$250 sign on bonus upon ratification of the EA, then a further $250 6 months after 
  • Wage Increases – 3% increase 12 months after ratification of the EA, then 3% per year for the life of the Agreement. An automatic 2% increase upon Expiry 
  • Overtime – paid at 1.7 
  • Overtime on a Public Holiday – paid at 2.7 
  • Lift Up and Lay Back Provisions – Two Hours Lift Up and Three Hours Layback (if an Employer has greater than that span, Members will work under that Industrial Instrument)
  • Trauma Leave – Members will be entitled to five days paid leave as a stand-alone leave with extra provisions if more leave is required 
  • Family and Domestic Violence Leave – Members will be entitled to five days paid leave as a stand-alone leave with extra provisions if more leave is required 
  • RDO’s – RDO’s will commence at midnight and not at sign off. And for a block of RDO’s, sign on will commence at 0600 on first day back. 
  • Master Roster – Showing all RDOs and any known working 
  • Barracks Meal Allowance – locked in to reflect the current ATO standard of $32.55 per meal
  • Personal/Carers Leave – Members will be able to take up to five days without a Medical Certificate unless the Company requires evidence. Any targeting by Momentum will be disputed.
  • Dispute Resolution – Members now have a Dispute Resolution Clause, which allows Members to formally question any potential Breaches of the EA. This Clause also allows for the RTBU to pursue those Breaches right up to the FWC for Arbitration 
  • Shift Lengths – Shift lengths are clarified to comply with State Rails safety Laws 
  • Fatigue Management – Momentum must comply with their own Policies and Procedures, and most importantly with Rail Safety National law. Your RTBU Negotiating Team has also secured an obligating for Momentum to email Members their Fatigue Scores at the completion of their shifts 
  • Medical assessments- Momentum will pay all costs associated with medical assessments up to the official diagnosis including the health assessment and stress ECG and or other referred tests
  • Rostering principles- All known working and RDOs will now be shown on the Master Roster
  • Training- All training will be paid at Momentum’s expense

What happens now?

Now that Members have voted up the proposed Enterprise Agreement, both the RTBU and Momentum will submit all required paperwork to the Fair Work Commission for ratification.

Thank You

A massive thank you to every single RTBU Member who has held the line over the last two years. Your solidarity and staunchness have paid off and you should be very proud. Thank you to the RTBU Negotiating Team too, with the first ever National Labor Hire EA to be negotiated in the Union.

All members deserve support, no matter who they work for.

Download the Update here.

