Vale Ron Bradford
Ron Bradford, the last General President of the AFULE and the first National President of the RTBU passed away on 6 May 2020 at the age of 90 years.
He was a full time official as President of both Unions from 1977 until his retirement in 1995.
Ron was instrumental in the amalgamation of the AFULE, ARU and NURWA in 1993. He became the inaugural National President of the Public Transport Union (PTU), which subsequently changed its name to the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU). He was also a stabilising force within the early years of the PTU/RTBU.
Ron guided the AFULE and the RTBU, through good times and bad, earning the respect and admiration of members, fellow unionists, politicians, Industrial Commissioners, and opponents.
He also earned the respect and friendship of representatives from international organisations.
Ron was a team player, a mentor, teacher and friend to his many comrades in the union movement.
A titan of our Union, Ron Bradford will be dearly missed, but his legacy will live on.

Date of Funeral: 20/05/2020
Due to the current crowd restrictions, a Private Family Funeral Service for the late Mr. Ronald Douglas Bradford will be held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Gisborne Road, Bacchus Marsh on WEDNESDAY (May 20, 2020) at 2.00pm. A Private Cremation will follow.
Ronald’s family welcome you to join them in saying goodbye via a live stream of the Service that will be available via this link: client-video/ronald-bradford/
Herald Sun 13/5/2020
Click here to see the full post on the National Union website.