URGENT Pacific National News
Yesterday evening, the RTBU became aware that Pacific National’s Coal and Freight businesses were planning to announce at around 11am today, Thursday, 9th April 2020 that it would be seeking to change the working/rostering conditions of employees during the COVID-19 crisis.
At this stage, we believe that the changes only apply to Train Crew in all business groups.
We have decided to advise all members in PN about this as it is important that Terminal Operators, IPS, and Maintainers are aware what PN are proposing and to be on the lookout for similar moves by PN on their conditions.
It is important to note that PN have provided us with little to no detail about what they are proposing and there have been no formal meetings about the issue.
Any changes that PN wishes to make to existing enterprise agreements are subject to a majority vote of members.
It should be clear to anyone that based on how members have and are being treated by PN, it would be difficult for PN to convince members that they should vote to support changes to existing conditions / rostering as contained in your existing enterprise agreements.