Urgent NIF Update

Jul 31, 2020Update

We will not be silenced!

Over two weeks ago the RTBU wrote to NSW Trains requesting access to Depots and Stations and the release of Delegates for the upcoming NIF Depot tour.

On Monday, management responded, providing access to rooms with extremely limited capacities with maximums of between 4 (yes 4) and 15 in total (inclusive of RTBU representatives and management).

This can only be viewed as an attempt to discourage members from talking directly to their Union and making the sessions as restrictive as possible.

On the day management will take 30 mins to address members before leaving to allow you to hear from your Union and your reps who have been involved in NIF. We encourage members to attend these sessions and clearly let management know how you feel about the Operating model NSW Trains and TfNSW are trying to force on you irrespective of any concerns you and or your union have raised.

If the maximum room numbers are reached we will need to move the meeting to an outdoor location where physical distancing can be maintained to allow members to be briefed.

Make sure you come along. Members have some important decisions to make on the next steps in our campaign to keep your work environment and the network safe and we want to hear from you.

You can find the dates we will be at your Depots right here!


P.S We will also be running an online meeting on Friday 14 August at 12:30pm at this link.

Click here to download the complete Footplate.

