Update – Asbestos dust in S and V set trains
The Locomotive Division would like to thank all Members and Delegates for their active involvement in the current Asbestos Dust issue within Sydney Trains. We would especially like to thank those who stood their ground on safety by conducting their personal risk assessments regarding the presence of Asbestos Dust in S and V set trains. These Members refusing to compromise on issues of safety should be congratulated as the extent of Sydney Trains’ appalling mismanagement of Asbestos comes to light.
This resolute stance has forced Sydney Trains to continue testing for Asbestos to the highest possible standard in line with the process developed by HSRs and SafeWork NSW. This was a necessary result for Member safety given Sydney Trains displayed a clear desire to water down the testing process.
At the time of writing all S sets and five V sets have been removed from service and quarantined for remediation of Asbestos Dust.
As these sets re-enter service the Loco Division encourages Members to ensure the presence of “green tick certified” stickers and refer to the Asbestos Testing Status Report available at all sign-on locations for assurance as to the safety of that set. Failing these steps Members should revert to their risk assessment with the knowledge that your decision will be fully supported by the Locomotive Division.
SafeWork NSW have had to be re-engaged given the issue of Asbestos Dust now extends to V set rolling stock. The Loco Division is extremely disappointed by this fact given the constant assurances provided by Sydney Trains throughout the C and K set testing process.
The Locomotive Division continues to work with HSRs to ensure the safety of Members. Together we demand that Sydney Trains implement and adhere to an effective Asbestos Management Plan as the measures in place prior to our involvement were inadequate and unacceptable.
Members will continue to be advised as developments occur. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact the Locomotive Division Office on 9264 3400