Sydney Trains Peer Support Crew
Members are advised that Sydney Trains has recently trained an additional 58 Peer Support Volunteers (PSVs) as a part of the Critical Incident Support program instituted to assist members following work related traumatic events. This now brings the total number of trained driver and guard PSVs to 104 across all three sectors.
PSVs play a crucial role in supporting drivers who, through no fault of their own, have unfortunately been involved in a critical incident such as a fatality or near miss event in the course of their duties.
PSVs will be supplied with a badge so members can readily identify them in the workplace along with their pictures displayed at the depot for the same purpose. The Locomotive Division and Sydney Trains will be implementing a review process to ensure the ongoing success of this process as well as to monitor the utilisation of PSVs in order to prevent their overuse.
The Loco Division congratulates all drivers who have volunteered to assist their fellow drivers through these difficult and unfortunate events.