Sydney Trains Drivers’ Taskforce Update
Your Locomotive Division Representatives recently took part in the bi-monthly Sydney Trains Drivers Issues Taskforce held at Auburn Stabling Yard.
Sydney Trains representatives discussed operational changes which included moving to a 24/7 rostering model, creation of the Day of Operations Manager role within the new Rail Operations Centre and also provided an update on the Driver Support Program recently trialed at Central to assist newly graduated Drivers.
The Locomotive Division presented concerns regarding access to Critical Incident Leave, consistent and transparent transfer processes, access to leave (specifically long term requests), Master Roster pay arrangements, establishing a forum to address Driver Trainer working arrangements and safe working incident investigations.
In addition to these topics, the Taskforce dedicated much of the day to continuing to work through issues in the payroll space.
As previously reported, the Taskforce established a network wide payroll register to record and address payroll issues. Loco Division Reps and Sydney Trains Depot Managers reviewed this register monthly and have identified several topics which consistently remain unresolved.
Both the Locomotive Division and Sydney Trains have agreed to meet outside of the Drivers Issues Taskforce to work through these identified issues and provide recommendations and possible solutions to the next taskforce meeting scheduled for October.
Members will be advised of the outcome of these discussions.
The Loco Division remains committed to achieving positive outcomes for Members and will continue to engage Sydney Trains management through the Drivers Taskforce to improve the working lives of Members.
Should Members have any questions or suggestions please contact your local delegate.