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Standby at Home – Working Arrangements

Jul 23, 2021COVID19 Sydney Trains

Attention Sydney Trains Members:

Sydney Trains has recently moved to an augmented weekend timetable in response to  the more restrictive Covid-19 Public Health Orders (PHO) issued 17 July 2021. The  reduction in services has generated wholesale changes to drivers’ rostered working and  has also required temporary changes to working arrangements. 

To meet the intent of the PHO, limiting movement and working from home wherever  possible, Sydney Trains has implemented “Standby at Home” as a temporary measure. 

The Locomotive Division has met with Sydney Trains extensively to ensure these  temporary measures do not impact the safety of Members or encroach on industrial  arrangements outside of the PHO direction to “work from home where possible”. 

When rostered as “Excess Standby at Home”, Members will be asked to fill out an  electronic form at their rostered sign on time to “record their availability”, that they are drug  and alcohol free, and ready for duty. 

Members please note: 

  • Sydney trains can only allocate operational duties where there is sufficient time to travel to the Home Depot, be attested fit for duty, perform the required duties, and be Signed off at their Home Depot within the rostered hours of work.
  • Signing On at your Home Depot and being attested fit for duty remains a requirement before undertaking any operational duties.
  • Injury and workers compensation processes remain unchanged.

This process will be applied to crew who are rostered “Excess Standby at Home”, who are  “Off Roster”, and Trainees affected by the pausing of Initial Employment Training.  

The Covid-19 situation, and the Government’s response, remains fluid from day to day.  The Locomotive Division will continue to update Members as developments occur. 

If Members have any questions or concerns, please contact your local Delegate or  Locomotive Division Head Office.

Download a copy of the Footplate here.

