Southern Shorthaul Railway: EA update
The RTBU met with Southern Shorthaul Railway Management on the 12th of February, where a number of outstanding items were discussed in an order to try and finalise a new Enterprise Agreement for SSR members.
- Duty Cycle – the 988 Duty Cycle is a major issue and as such we have requested that it be reduced to at least half.
- Posting of the 4th Duty Free Day – we have requested that at least 48 hours notice be given to Members before the company allocates it.
- Duty Free Days – any grouping of Duty Free Days must start with the first day being 30hrs from 0000hrs and any additional day being 24 hours.
- Working beyond 10hrs – We have requested that any working beyond 10hrs should attract a meal allowance.
- Company Car – proposed that the Car allocation be on a 12 month arrangement
- Wage Increases – we have rejected managements proposal for a 2% increase each year which also includes 1.3% back pay to Oct 2016 from certification from the Fair Work Commission and have put forward 3% each year for 4 years with the proposed back pay of 1.3%
Management has advised that they will respond by the end of this week. If that happens, a meeting will be arranged next week to continue negotiations.
We will keep members advised as to the progress of negotiations and will issue another Newsflash following next week’s meeting.