Same Job Same Pay
Last week we reported on progress regarding Same Job Same pay.
The fight for equal pay for Labour Hire employees has been going for well over a decade. Some of us
remember when Pacific National called their delegates in and told them they were bringing in
supplementary Labour hire for a short period to assist in providing additional leave.
We now know this was just a straight out lie. What we instead got was workers unwittingly being ripped
off and treated as second class.
Thankfully this is now behind us. Its now time to Celebrate this major workplace achievement and
ensure this piece of Howard legacy never returns!
Your RTBU Locomotive Division has organised an event in the Hunter to celebrate this milestone. A flyer
is attached with all the details. We strongly encourage all members from all operators and areas
(particularly current and ex labour hire members) to come along and share their experiences and catch
up with the team
We will have special Guest Speaker, Mr Dan Repacholi, the Federal Member for the Hunter and Chair of Select Committee on Nuclear Energy in attendance. Dan is an ex Mt Thorley coal miner and has been
instrumental in getting in place the same job same pay legislation.
We hope to see you and your workmate there.
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