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Railtrain NSW Operations EA – update

Feb 24, 2023News Railtrain

Enterprise agreement negotiations have resumed after the Christmas break, with the latest round of bargaining taking place on Monday 6, 16 & 17 February 2023.

At these negotiations, both parties discussed the outstanding and unagreed items, and further meetings are planned to attempt to reach and outcome.

Each party’s position on the outstanding items is set out in the table in the Newsflash attached here. We encourage all members to express their views and provide any feedback that they may have. Unfortunately, the company still refuses to pay the ages of any employee who has shown interest in negotiating on behalf of their peers. The company has suggested that if anyone wishes to participate in bargaining, they would have to do so on a voluntary basis. This is, of course, very disappointing and inhibits the ability of Railtrain members to effectively express their views and bargain with their own employer.

Railtrain provided a proposed EA package to your representatives on Thursday 16 February. This was in preparation of bargaining meeting on Friday 17 February. At the 17 February meeting, your bargaining team raised a number of concerns regarding the proposed package. However the company decided to ignore these discussions and sent the package out to staff. We do not think that the package effectively communicated the different positions of the parties to employees. Please see the table attached with details of each party’s position, noting that Railtrain is yet to provide its proposed pay rates. As you can see, there are a number of outstanding and unresolved items.

Click here to download the full Newsflash.

