RailCorp wage reduction after SPADs
RailCorp have recently communicated [via Crew Update no 14] their intention to utilise the Disciplinary Matters Clause of the 2010 RailCorp EA to reduce the wages of drivers involved in SPADs.
This means that drivers will no longer receive Master Roster payments following any SPAD and will only receive a base-wage payment until any investigation process is completed. This investigation process can, in normal circumstances, take between four and six weeks to complete which will lead to a significant financial loss to members affected.
RailCorp have stated they will “endeavour” to complete this process within four weeks however they will only “consider” the return of Master Roster payments in certain circumstances.
The RTBU believes this is tantamount to a double discipline of drivers and will now seek clarity on certain aspects of the investigation process in order to speed up drivers being returned to their substantive driving position to minimise potential financial disadvantage.
It is apparent from this change that RailCorp’s “Just Culture” policy is words only as there is nothing “just” or “no blame” about automatically deeming the driver to be guilty and then financially penalising them before they can be proven innocent!