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QUBE Members Enterprise Agreement Update: Voting commences tomorrow – vote no!

Jun 6, 2023QUBE Update

QUBE management has neglected to inform you of a major issue that they have inserted into their inferior Enterprise Agreement, and it should be noted that your Negotiation Team has neither agreed to, nor will agree to, this provision. 

Have a look at the definitions on page 5 of the EA and the Hourly or Normal Rate definition which reads – means the hourly rate specified in the table at clause 27.2 which is payable for all Ordinary Hours worked and is inclusive of annual leave loading and any penalties, allowances and/or loadings payable under the Award

At our last meeting, QUBE Management stated that other divisions within QUBE are claiming award entitlements such as 1.5x for working Saturday, double time for working Sunday, shift allowances such as night and early morning and Annual Leave Loading as it is not written in the other agreements just like yours. Inserting this into your agreement, and you vote yes for the agreement, removes the right for you to claim these important entitlements. It may also affect the payment of Stand-Alone overtime for certain shifts. 

This is not the first time QUBE management has tried to deceive you. With the first EA vote, QUBE removed and changed Clause 4 of the agreement which specifically stated these allowances applied. The RTBU legal team then took QUBE to the Fair Work Commission and had parts of Clause 4 reinstated. Since then, QUBE discussed an “All up Rate” to make sure you didn’t get these allowances, but that also failed as we wouldn’t agree to their ridiculously low offer. QUBE decided that it was too hard and removed their first claim and have shamefully tried to sneak it into the EA again in another spot. 

Now as you see above, they have included it again, but now in the definitions – a part of the EA that you wouldn’t normally read. The RTBU Legal team has been advised that you haven’t received these claims over the past couple of Enterprise Agreements and are preparing a Federal Court application to recover the underpayments. This will only involve union members of the RTBU, but in the meantime make sure you vote and vote NO. This one small change might cost members up to $30,000 per year in lost entitlements. 

Vote NO to QUBE’s inferior EA 
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