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QUBE EA Update

Jun 2, 2022QUBE Update

Yesterday, Wednesday 1st June 2022, your Locomotive Division Enterprise Agreement Committee met with QUBE Management to commence bargaining for your replacement Enterprise Agreement.

During this meeting, your Log of Claims was presented to QUBE Management with each claim being explained by your Committee Delegates and the reasons behind each claim.

It was also agreed at the end of yesterday’s meeting, that meetings would occur every 2 weeks, in an effort to have a replacement Enterprise Agreement finalised by January next year (2023).

We were advised that our next meeting, QUBE will supply their Log of Claims and respond to your Log of Claims as presented.

To keep you all updated, we are proposing the following:
• A newsflash issued after every Enterprise Agreement meeting, which will be emailed to you and posted on locoexpress.com.au
• A survey will be sent out every month for feedback, and
• A monthly video conference invite will be sent to all members to discuss the progress of the negotiations.

Download the full copy of your Log of Claims here.

Download a copy of the Newsflash here.

