PN Outsourced EA Update: Voting Results
With the Enterprise Ballot now closed, the votes have been counted and we have the result.
- Total number that voted was 56 our of 67 – 84% response.
- Total number of votes that voted “yes” for the Enterprise Agreement was 54 – 96%
- Total number of votes that voted “no” for the Enterprise Agreement was 2 – 4%
As a result, the Pacific National Outsourced Projects Enterprise Agreement 2021 has now been voted in and endorsed by members.
Next Steps
- The agreement will be signed by the RTBU and Pacific National over the next few days.
- Once signed, it will then be sent to the Fair Work Commission for approval.
- Once approved by FWC, you will receive backpay from the 1st full pay period after the 1st of January of 2.5%.
- You will then receive another 1.25% pay increase from the 1st full pay period after the 1st July 2021.
- The agreement will expire on the 31st December 2021 in which you will receive a $750 retention bonus.
Again, congratulations must go to all members who made a stand, voiced their concerns to the Company with their protected industrial action and for finally getting an improved offer they deserve!