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PN mobile phone rollout risk assessment

As we reported in December, Pacific National advised us they would begin discussions with all PN SHE Committees in January regarding conducting a review of procedures and processes relating to the use of electronic Devices in the workplace.

We have been advised that PN have now started this process by tabling a draft risk assessment and several changed procedures (that had been put together by Senior Safety Managers) at a recent SHE meeting.

Any risk assessment must be conducted with the involvement of the HSR’s relevant to the workgroup that perform those duties. Presenting a completed draft for review at a committee meeting is not how consultation works.

Page 17 of the Model Code of Practice for “Work health and Safety Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination” states clearly in clause 4 “How to Consult With Workers”:

“If workers are represented by a health and safety representative, any consultation must involve that representative”.

It is not acceptable for management to do their own assessment and then just table it. The involvement of the HSR needs to be from the start.

HSR’s and committee members should not just accept a risk assessment presented to them by management regardless of what the subject is. Any risk assessment needs to be done as a group with those representing all who are affected.

In regards to this particular assessment, we recommend to all HSR’s, that they discuss with their local Union Organiser ASAP as to if there is anyone free to come along to assist them at the next WHS meeting, or alternatively if no one is available, get some research material and guidance that will help them conduct a proper risk assessment.

This is important if we are to make sure that all risks are covered off before PN push through any new procedure related to electronic devices.

Contact Map

Members would be aware we are currently putting together a map and contact details for all PN HSR’s so as to assist in contacting each other. Please contact us if you do not want to be part of this group.

Comcare (the WHS Regulator for Pacific National) also has a HSR Network which we encourage all HSR’s to join. You can do this at the following link:


We are still waiting on information from some depots as to who their HSR’s are, PN have told us there are pictures of HSR’s and Committee members on Notices at sign on locations. We encourage members to take a photo of the notice and send it to this office.

Helpful Links

The following Links contain some additional resources that may help HSR’s in their everyday duties. We encourage you to have a look through them:




Click here to download the complete update.

