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PN Intermodal 2021 EA Update – EA Ratified by the Fair Work Commission

The PNI Train Crew EA was approved by the Fair Work Commission yesterday (Thursday 25 March).

There were no undertakings or issues from the FWC.

$500 Bonus

RTBU Members will be paid the first $500 bonus in the pay week ending the 10th of April.

2021 2.5% Pay Increase

RTBU Members will receive the 2021 2.5% pay increase in the pay week ending the 24th of April.

Thank you again to the Membership for having their say and voting.

And as per Clause 20.10.2, we will be back at the table in no time.

“20.10.2 It is the intention of the parties to negotiate in good faith and endeavour to reach agreement as soon as possible. With this in mind ,the parties agree to commence active discussions for a replacement agreement 12 months prior to the nominal expiry date of this Agreement.”

Read the Pacific National Intermodal Train Crew Enterprise Agreement 2021 here.

Download a copy of the update here.

