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PN: COVID-19 update

PN Employees are now considered Federal Essential Service Workers. This means you can traverse borders without restriction.

You must carry your PN accreditation and Drivers licence at all times in case you are stopped at any road blocks. Trains will not be stopped at borders, but you may be stopped whilst driving a Crew Car or your personal car to work.


The RTBU has proposed self-contained units instead of Hotels, for cleanliness and also better cooking facilities


Extra cleaning is occurring at provisioning locations, including Crew Vans. Members should have access to hand sanitiser, gloves, cleaning solution etc for Crew changes in Loco’s, Crew Cars and any other scenario where there is crossover of people.

Each Loco at MFT and PFT will have documentation on board that show the cleaning schedule.


Taxi companies are ensuring utmost adherence to cleaning standards in line with Government procedures and Members are encouraged to sit in the back, diagonal to the Driver.

Crew Car arrangements must also adhere to those standards as much as possible. Other options, such as Hire Cars, and more Crew Cars are being looked at by PN.

Personal Hygiene Products

PN are now considered an Essential Service Operator and as such have a Procurement Team sourcing cleaning and hygiene resources for now and into the future. Currently PN are trying to secure individual hand sanitisers for every Employee. The RTBU have suggested face masks and gloves as part of that procurement.


PN are putting out communications via email and on the notice boards at each workplace. If you are not receiving these updates, please let your Delegate/Organiser and Supervisor know. As things are changing rapidly, it’s crucial that you keep informed of the changes PN are making.

From a Union perspective, your Union Officials are in contact with PN on a daily basis and a weekly scheduled phone hook-up with the RTBU National Office commenced today.

PN Crisis Management

PN have a Crisis Team, an Emergency Team, an Incident Team that are meeting daily. On the Incident Team are all of the State Managers. This means that every PN Employee should be getting the same level of instruction and information.

Member Communications

As the situation changes so rapidly, it is hard to get accurate and concise information out every time a change is made, so keep in regular contact with your Delegate and Organisers.

As well as regular Newsflash Updates, there will be Delegate phone hook ups and an All Branch Organiser video conference will be held this Friday.

Members, as with everything at the moment, changes are being made at a rapid rate and your Union is doing our best to ensure that PN are keeping you safe at work. However, if you are not seeing these measures in your workplace, immediately notify your Delegate or Organiser and also your Supervisor.

Click here to download the full update.

