PN Bulk EA Update 14
Further to our last Newsflash, yesterday our application to conduct a ballot to take protected action was approved by the Fair Work Commission.
Process from here–
The ballot will be conducted by the RTBU Locomotive Division’s chosen Ballot Agent and will be electronic. The timetable will be as follows:
Monday, 16 May 2022 | CiVS (The company we chose to do the vote) provides Notice to Employees by 18:00 AEST via email and SMS. This will include instructions on how to vote. Those without emails or a mobile will be sent a paper vote. |
Tuesday, 17 May 2022 | Roll of voters closes 17:00 AEST. |
Wednesday, 18 May 2022 | Ballot opens 09:00 AEST. CiVS emails login details to eligible voters just prior to the vote opening. SMS is sent to eligible voters. |
Wednesday, 1 June 2022 | Ballot closes 12:00 AEST. CiVS sends the results to the parties. |
You must be a member and work under this EA to vote.
It is important that every member votes and VOTES YES to all seven questions.
Voting will be simple and easy. Please vote yes to all questions and ensure all your workmates do the same as its vital that we send a clear message to PN that you:
• Are serious and want PN to listen and recognise your claims,
• Are not simply going to accept your conditions being attacked nor those of future workers, and
• Want PN to continue to employee people directly and provide secure jobs for its workers.
Once voting is complete and after receiving feedback from you, your negotiating team will decide which Industrial Action will be implemented to best affect. We must give the company seven days’ notice of any Protected Action.
In further news we are meeting with PN today at 12 noon before Deputy President Saunders after PN lodged their Bargaining dispute. We will let you know what the outcome of the meeting is via another Newsflash as soon as we can following this meeting.
Only members of the RTBU can take Protected Action!
Additionally, if your address or phone number has not been updated then you will need to contact the voting agent and also advise us by completing a change of details form.
Join today!