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PN Bulk discussions commence re COVID-19 EA change request

After PN Bulk agreed they would not proceed to a vote to change your EA, meetings with NSW RTBU Locomotive Division Officials and Your Delegates commenced on Monday.

During these discussions we demanded that any changes considered would only apply in a COVID-19 situation and not any emergency as may be dreamed up by Pacific National, which has now been agreed by the Company.

The NSW Locomotive Division RTBU Officials and your Delegates have now met on numerous occasions with Pacific National to review their proposals and to consider what options members may be able to consider in an attempt to assist should the business be seriously impacted by Covid 19.

At this stage we are still considering what would be the trigger point/s that would need to be met prior to any possible agreed change (if any are ultimately endorsed by members) being implemented and for how long the change would be in place.

Starting today, we will be discussing Pacific National’s Log of Claims following which another Newsflash will be sent to members outlining what the company is proposing, any alternate options that may be raised for members to consider and status of discussions.

Members can be assured that once discussions conclude, any changes will be put to members for consideration. Final agreement would then be by a letter of understanding between PN Bulk NSW and the RTBU.

If you have any questions, please speak to your Depot Delegate.

Click here to download the full Newsflash.

