One Rail Delegates Take Advantage of Shutdown to Get Feedback
Last week during the HV Shutdown, One Rail Delegates were able to get out and seek feedback from the membership on One Rails latest EA Proposals. Although there have been some gains, the parties are still well apart on a number of issues, one being the companies desire to reduce Public Holiday Days in Lieu (DIL Days) This has not gone down well with the membership.
The EA team meet management again next week where they will provide member feedback and will push management for a better deal.

Depot Delegates Jarrod Cameron and Steve Crockett address one of the four meetings held across the shutdown.

The ORA Delegate Team, Depot organiser Shaun Black, Delegates Steve Crockett Jarrod Cameron, Chris Connelly and two assistants Glen Watkins and Matt Keegan with ORA Members at the Mayfield Depot.