NSW Trains Disciplinary Approach
NSW Trains continues to self-destruct by its heavy-handed disciplinary approach in dealing with its employees with dismissal being the only apparent remedy for misconduct. This overzealous approach has been mirrored across all areas of NSW Trains with the “big stick” wielded for almost any indiscretion. Despite members making their best efforts to defend themselves, NSW Trains remains diligent in its unmerciful approach and is supported in upholding its disciplinary decisions by an equally zealous TfNSW.
This action is coupled with the steady exit of employees back to Sydney trains owing to NIF related driver concerns. In total, since late 2018, 13 drivers have been sacked for various breaches which amounts to more than 300 years of experience lost to NSW Trains in just over 2 years. TOMA is also another favoured method currently being utilised with an additional 73 years lost experience resulting from this process. Over that 2 and bit year period there has only been 2 suspensions and 2 regressions which clearly indicates NSW Trains unrelenting efforts to rid itself of the “old culture”.