NSW Trains annual leave win
We’ve had a win on annual leave for Drivers at NSW Trains.
The RTBU Locomotive Division recently met with NSW Trains in relation to the Step 3 annual leave dispute that was lodged two weeks ago. We had been made aware that Drivers were being shortchanged on annual leave as it was being calculated in hours instead of five calendar weeks.
NSW Trains conceded that annual leave is to be rostered as per a calendar week (i.e. 5 calendar weeks = 25 days) and not as per the master roster. They have also acknowledged that it should be counted as weeks and not as 190 hours at 8 hours per day, meaning that all annual leave will be rostered as 25 days at 7.6 hours, totalling 5 calendar weeks.
We were also assured that those who are currently on annual leave will have their leave adjusted so that they have the full 5 calendar weeks off for their annual leave. NSW Trains acknowledged that, whilst they have no immediate plans to amend the way in which annual leave is rostered, they must first consult with the affected employees.