NSW Trains and Sydney Trains EA Update: Let’s get ready to vote NO!

Dear Members,
On Thursday March 4 NSW Trains and Sydney Trains sent an email to members outlining the process they are forcing on us. A vote to accept or reject their proposal to vary your Enterprise Agreements and give up your bargaining rights, for six months, for a measly 0.3%.
Members have told us this is not acceptable, with 94% of members who participated in our Union survey saying they would vote to reject the offer. It is unfathomable that we would give up our right to negotiate for less than a cup of coffee.
The RTBU did not agree to this vote and made a firm recommendation that this should not occur. This recommendation was ignored.
Under the Fair Work Act the employer can put a proposal to employees to vary an Enterprise Agreement. The Fair Work Act does not prescribe how the vote needs to take place. This is ultimately decided by the employer, who, if the vote is successful, is required to provide evidence that they have taken steps to inform employees.
While we cannot stop them going ahead with the vote, we can determine the outcome by voting, and voting no.
Members by the end of today should receive an email from “Vero,” the company who is running the vote. This will include the details that you will need to have your say. This will be sent to your transport email. If you have not received this or cannot access your transport email account contact your shift manager, ASAP.
The NSW Government is trying to force all public sector employees to take this deal and hold off on bargaining for wages and conditions. Every member must participate and reject this insulting offer. We have no doubt management will try and convince members they should accept it.
From March 22 until March 29, you will have the chance to have your say. What happens next will be decided by those who vote.
Make sure you stand with your workmates and vote NO to send a clear message to management and the NSW Government that we are and will remain united when we force them to negotiate.
RTBU Officials, Organisers, and Delegates will be talking to as many members as possible, and we need every member to spread the word.
We will be in touch soon with further updates.
In Solidarity,
P.S. If any of your workmates are not in the Union pass this message on to them, ask them to join and make sure they VOTE NO.