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Newsflash: ANTR 406 & 408 – Use of Headlight & Horn

Jun 7, 2021Update

Members are reminded of the importance of ANTR – 406 & 408 Network Rules regarding the Use of Locomotive  Headlights & Horns. 

Issues have arisen regarding the inappropriate use of the headlight and the sounding of the Locomotive horn at  the time of passing trains. 

ANTR – 408 NETWORK RULES state that the headlight must be used as follows: 


Trains must have a working headlight fitted to the leading locomotive, and travel with the headlight switched on “full”,  when the train is moving on the ARTC Network unless required to be dimmed as prescribed within this rule.  

Dimming Headlights 

Headlights must be dimmed:  

  • When approaching an opposing train
  • When hand signals are displayed or when approaching people or workers on or about the track
  • At a location where shunting is in progress

The headlight must be switched to dim only until the lead locomotive of the opposing rail traffic passes by,  after which it must be turned back on full.  

Headlights may be dimmed:  

  • When use of the headlight in the “full” positions will threaten the safety of road traffic on adjacent roadways
  • In weather conditions where the headlight may reflect back and affect the rail traffic crew’s vision

Switching Headlights Off

Headlights must be switched off when stopped:  

  • Clear of the Main Line, or
  • On the Main Line waiting for opposing rail traffic, and the rail traffic crew of the opposing movement has requested that the headlight be turned off

Once the lead locomotive of the opposing rail traffic has passed by, the headlight must be turned back on full.  

Unless headlights are needed for safety, trains may have their headlights turned off when operating within  Terminals. 

The use of Headlights and Horns should be as per the Network Rules due to possible workplace, health and safety and operational issues that could result in injury and/or safety incidents involving and/or to oncoming train crew.

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