New Loco Industrial Officer
As members are aware, earlier this year the Division employed our very first Legal Officer (Sarah) as a result of the Loco Division executive deciding that there was an increasing need for added resources that a fully qualified legal officer could bring to the Division.
It is becoming clear that the future of the Divisions, reflected in our growing workload, will have an increasing focus on Industrial/Legal work. The current “call centre” organising model is not entirely suitable as it is unable to build strength and/or depot structures on the group across the state. Phone based Organising does not and cannot build union power, strength and/or unity across the Divisions approximately 3730 and growing membership..
Due to the amount of legal work now being undertaken in house, especially as a result of the NIF, an increase in other disputes and harsh disciplinary outcomes being experienced by members across both the Freight and Passenger sectors, a decision has been made to increase our in house industrial capacity and to support Sarah and members.
As a result, the Locomotive Division Executive decided to create a fixed term Industrial Officer position, for an initial 6 months, working under Sarah, to increase our capacity to represent the Divisions industrial interest.
I am pleased to announce that following an advertising and selection/interview process, Peter Matthews will be joining the Locomotive Division from 14 September 2020 for an initial fixed term period of 6 months, with Divisional Council to consider the position becoming permanent prior to the 6 months ending.
We’re very excited to have Peter joining us and being able to expand our in house industrial/legal capacity. Peter was admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 2018.
Peter is scheduled to meet Divisional Council on 9 September 2020, prior to commencing his employment.
The Division will continue to use external counsel as required and determined by Divisional Council and as recommended by Sarah.
In solidarity,
Bob Hayden
Divisional Secretary
RTBU NSW Loco Division