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Mental Health Ambassadors – Sydney Trains

Sep 8, 2020Sydney Trains

Sydney Trains have developed and started a program for Mental Health Ambassadors to help build mental health awareness that overlays and grows on the existing Peer Support Program and peer support train crew that are in the workplace.

The Ambassador initiative has been developed with the company Mental Health Movement (MHM) and the Sydney Trains health team. There will be approximately 80 mental health train crew ambassadors in the workplace (a list can be found on the Sydney Trains Intranet) and are supported by management.

Ambassadors have undertaken a training day with some still to be caught up. There have been 5 such training days. These were delivered by MHM and have been very well received.

The idea is to start the conversation about mental health and possibly assist fellow employees to reach out for help. RUOK day 9th September 2020 will help launch the initiative.

Research shows that a significant number of people who experience mental health issues seek out support in the first instance from a co-worker.

The RTBULD strongly support these types of programs that are an attempt and assist with the health and welfare of members. Please start the conversation and contact the ambassadors, head office for any support, help or for any information that can be provided. Members are always encouraged to seek the assistance of professional medical advice and treatment in relation to mental health / illness.

Stay safe and well – start the conversation.
Rail Tram and Bus Union, Locomotive Division.

