Locomotive Divisional President, Brett Rosser
After many years of servitude to the membership, Locomotive Divisional President, Brett Rosser, has last week announced to the Locomotive Divisional Council his decision to step down from his elected position to focus on his family life prior to winding up his railway career in a few years’ time.
- Electric Train Running Councillor; 1995-2000
- Electric Train Running Councillor; 2003-2005
- Locomotive Senior Vice-President; 2005-2010
- Divisional President; 2010-2020
Brett has been an absolute stalwart of the Locomotive Division for many years and is a mentor to many of the membership that includes senior RTBU delegates and officials. Never one to shy from a donnybrook with management, it is his dogged approach to the betterment of train driver’s rights and conditions that is a testament to his widely respected integrity and demeanour.
Never one for titles, Brett has always and continues to pride himself of being first and foremost, a train driver, who in our view personifies the very definition of a Locomotive Engineman. Brett was presented with a personal gift by Locomotive Divisional Secretary, Bob Hayden, who thanked Brett for his work on behalf of the Division.
As the Locomotive Divisional President position is now vacant, as is required, the Locomotive Divisional Council as per the RTBU Rules have appointed Locomotive Division Branch Councillor, Farren Campbell to the position to fill the casual vacancy until the next AEC National RTBU scheduled election.
Members are encouraged, if you see Brett around the network to thank him for his tireless work and wish him well. Brett, the Locomotive Division and its membership is a better place for your involvement, we wish you and your family all the very best for the future.
Brett will still be active as he continues to hold the position of Branch Junior Vice President and NSW Locomotive Division Delegate to National Locomotive Division Committee.