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Figures show workers not receiving fair share of Australia’s wealth

Figures show workers not receiving fair share of Australia’s wealth

Sep 7, 2018

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its quarterly update on GDP recently. The figures showed that while overall GDP growth seemed adequate, the share of income received by workers (in the form of wages, salaries […] Read More »

633 years among them – retirements around the tracks

633 years among them – retirements around the tracks

Sep 6, 2018

During the recent Loco Around the Tracks tour, a number of retiring members were presented with their plaques and certificates as a show of thanks for their years of dedication to the industry and the […] Read More »

Railtrain Newsflash: the workers united will never be defeated

Sep 6, 2018

For over 18 months, Railtrain workers have stood strong and united in the face of management’s desperate attempts to keep undercutting your pay and conditions. As one employee said: “Railtrain will do or say anything […] Read More »

Why does Railtrain pay less?

Sep 4, 2018

Railtrain is pulling every stunt and cutting every corner to avoid bargaining for a fair enterprise agreement. Click here to download the latest bulletin about why Railtrain pays its workers less.  Read More »

Your voice has been heard: congratulations to all members

Your voice has been heard: congratulations to all members

Aug 31, 2018

Following on from your actions, Aurizon have finally heard you loud and clear and have listened to your concerns. After 9 months of negotiating your employment conditions, every clause that had been negotiated now has […] Read More »



Aug 31, 2018

For over 18 months, your RTBU have been negotiating with Railtrain for a new enterprise agreement (EA). Every step of the way, we have been met with Railtrain’s deliberate and underhanded tactics to deny you […] Read More »

Lost in translation: Railtrain EA

Aug 29, 2018

Need help translating the company messages about the EA? Click here to download the latest RTBU National Railtrain Newsflash.  Read More »

Loco member riding for kids

Aug 28, 2018

Aurizon Coal delegate, Peter Haydon, taking part in Ride for Sick Kids in September, raising money for the Ronald McDonald House Northern NSW. Ronald McDonald House makes it possible for families to stay together at […] Read More »

RTBU Women’s Rights at Work

Aug 27, 2018

“It was fantastic to see the comradery on show at the RTBU Women’s Rights at Work event on the weekend, which was very well attended by Loco Division members. One of our Loco Division members […] Read More »

Show your support for Aurizon workers!

Aug 24, 2018

RTBU members employed at Aurizon in Newcastle are taking protected action this weekend. Stoppages will begin from 0600 Saturday and finish at 0800 Monday.   All RTBU members are encouraged to join them in solidarity […] Read More »


