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This is what it means to be union

Aug 16, 2015

More than a week ago, almost a hundred wharfies from Sydney and Brisbane were sacked by Hutchison Ports Australia via a midnight text message and email. Read More »

QUBE EA gets shunted

Aug 14, 2015

Members have voted down the proposed new QUBE NSW Train Crew Enterprise Agreement, with 77 ‘no’ votes to 42 ‘yes’. Read More »

Sydney Trains “Reform”

Aug 14, 2015

The current Sydney Trains EA contains a clause – the ‘Facilitation of Change Clause’ – which includes what process needs to occur prior to any changes being made to the items identified in the clause […] Read More »

The BBQ is back

Aug 13, 2015

The RTBU Regional BBQ tour is back! Come along to the following locations, grab yourself a sausage and have a chat about any issues in your workplace and hear about the union’s plans for the future. Read More »

Loco Division backs sacked MUA port workers

Aug 7, 2015

Workers, and the Loco Division, are rallying behind almost 100 port workers from Sydney and Brisbane who were sent text messages and emails late at night telling them they no longer had jobs. Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

We’ve had recent reports of bullying and intimidation at Aurizon, with members at a number of depots saying they feel management is forcing them to work outside the parameters of the EA. The Loco Division takes all reports of bullying very seriously, and has written to the company to order that they cease any such actions immediately. Read More »

Aurizon bullying and harassment

Aug 7, 2015

There have been reports recently of Aurizon members feeling bullied and intimidated into breaching their conditions of employment. This isn’t acceptable. Read More »

RTBU out in force against the China free trade agreement

Aug 7, 2015

The Government’s free trade deal with China could cost us 158,000 Australian jobs. Thousands of people rallied against the deal in Sydney last week – including RTBU members and reps. Read More »

QUBE and Freightliner EAs – voting now closed

Aug 7, 2015

Voting has now closed for both the QUBE and Freightliner Intermodal enterprise agreements. The Loco Division is expecting the results to be known by the middle of next week. Read More »

Productivity Commission recommends unfair changes to unfair dismissal laws

Productivity Commission recommends unfair changes to unfair dismissal laws

Aug 7, 2015

The first copy of the Productivity Report released this work was filled with controversial recommendations, including a recommendation to cut penalty rates and change the unfair dismissal laws.  Read More »

