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Fatigue risk for PN drivers

Nov 23, 2015

The Loco Division is very concerned about reports of members being forced to drive  from Gunnedah back to Werris Creek after driving their train for more than 10 hours. This situation has come about as a result […] Read More »

Boggabri viaduct update

Nov 23, 2015

The RTBU was forced to refer the Boggabri viaduct to the regulator and Safe Work NSW after concerns were raised about the lack of emergency and safety systems in place on the section of track. […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Nov 20, 2015

NSW sweltered in 40+ degree heat today, which as we all know can have a significant impact on our transport systems and workers. As this brutal reminder that summer is here hit us today, I’d […] Read More »

Sick Leave/Emergency Leave (Natural Disasters) and Overtime Dispute

Nov 20, 2015

The Loco Division is in dispute with NSW Trains over its refusal to pay sick leave for rostered shifts that fall on the period roster but not on the master roster (i.e. an additional or extra […] Read More »

Mobile phone privacy

Nov 20, 2015

The Loco Division has received numerous complaints recently from members concerned about Standards Officers having the ability to request to see your mobile phone records. The wording of the mobile phone general instruction is that […] Read More »

Sydney Trains reform – what you said

Nov 17, 2015

The results of the recent member survey are now in. Click here to see an overview of what members said about some of the key areas of the Sydney Trains reform discussions and for a […] Read More »

PN doesn’t let facts get in the way of the story

Nov 10, 2015

Pacific National certainly didn’t let the facts get in the way of the story when it sent a message out on Saturday morning blaming the Loco Division for the company’s decision to withdraw in-principle agreement […] Read More »

Reform survey showing members reject cluster depot move

Nov 6, 2015

The sectorisation of Train Crew and the cluster depot proposal are overwhelmingly unpopular and most people want the lift up/lay back payments to stay as they are, according to the preliminary outcome of the current RTBU survey running on the […] Read More »

Disciplinary Matters Dispute

Nov 6, 2015

The Loco Division is going to the Fair Work Commission in December over NSW Trains disciplinary process. The RTBU has decided to pursue the matter in the Fair Work Commission in order to overturn a particular […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

The discussions about Sydney Trains reform aren’t going away anytime soon. We’ve been in further discussions with the company recently, and you can see all the updates on that here on the website. We may […] Read More »

