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QUBE EA debacle continues

Feb 11, 2016

The union negotiating team is continuing to push for a QUBE enterprise agreement that provides members with the wages and conditions they deserve. Unfortunately, however, while there has been some progress, the company is stalling […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Pacific National’s move to cut jobs from Port Waratah has been keeping the Loco Division team busy recently. The union has been attempting to discuss the redundancy process with the company in the hope of […] Read More »

PN redundancy – members condemn company; company response

Feb 5, 2016

The RTBU recently wrote to Pacific National to raise some suggestions about the handling of the company’s current wave of redundancies.  The RTBU has some serious concerns about the company’s processes to date, including the […] Read More »

Have you taken the latest Sydney Trains survey?

Feb 5, 2016

The Loco Division has launched another survey to help gauge members’ views on the important Sydney Trains reform issues. The responses so far (around 400 members have responded) show that sectorisation isn’t a popular proposition; […] Read More »

Sydney Trains reform: 5 Feb update

Feb 5, 2016

The RTBU train crew delegates meet this week to discuss the latest on the Sydney Trains reform. Click here to see the latest information, including a snapshot of the results so far from the recent […] Read More »

Further twists in Asciano sale

Jan 29, 2016

There’s been yet another twist on the ongoing debate around the sale of Asciano, with QUBE Holdings putting in a $9 billion takeover offer. Brookfield (a Canadian company which had already put in an offer), […] Read More »

More redundancies at PN

Jan 29, 2016

After Pacific National’s recent announcement that it is cutting 46 driver roles at Port Waratah, the company this week announced a further 10 jobs are to go. The additional 10 jobs are driver trainer roles […] Read More »

Sydney Trains reform – latest Newsflash

Jan 25, 2016

What the latest on the Sydney Trains reform situation? Click here to read the latest Newsflash. You can also complete the latest Sydney Trains reform survey by clicking on this link.  Read More »

RTBU calls for national rail regime in light of Brookfield bid

Jan 25, 2016

RTBU National Secretary, Bob Nanva, has written to Federal Infrastructure Minister, Warren Truss, calling on him to address Brookfield’s proposed takeover of Asciano and the broader issues that come with it. In the letter to […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Jan 22, 2016

It’s been a tough start to 2016 for many Loco Division members. Pacific National has recently moved to axe 46 Port Waratah train crew jobs. The cuts will involve both voluntary and forced redundancies and […] Read More »

