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PN Intermodal – terrible case of employee relations

Apr 1, 2016

A member employed by PN Intermodal was recently contacted one evening and asked to work an overtime shift to help the company, which in good faith he agreed to do. The driver was subsequently advised […] Read More »

PN Enterprise Agreement negotiations to start soon

Apr 1, 2016

The enterprise agreement silly session is about to kick off (although some would say it just continuing) with arrangements being made for preliminary Pacific National Enterprise Agreement discussions to commence. While Pacific National Coal, Bulk […] Read More »

What rubbish…

Apr 1, 2016

In bizarre scenes, employees at Sydney PN Depot  were recently threatened with dismissal because two rubbish dumpsters were filled to overflowing over the Easter break. Adding to the ridiculous nature of the threats was that the […] Read More »

QUBE EA gets a nod…just

Apr 1, 2016

The latest enterprise agreement at QUBE was recently voted up by a slim margin, with 68 yes votes to 64 no votes. The vote was the third attempt by the company to get its agreement […] Read More »

Two person cabs for the US?

Mar 30, 2016

Railroads would operate with two-person crews in loco cabs if federal regulators in the United States get their way. The Federal Railroad Administration is proposing the new two-people in cabs rule for most operations, saying […] Read More »

The latest from NZ

Mar 21, 2016

The first edition of The Transport Worker – the Rail and Maritime Transport Union of New Zealand’s journal – for 2016 has just landed. Check out all the latest from NZ here. Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Mar 18, 2016

Could we be finally be nearing the end of the Asciano sale back and forth? The latest news is that Qube and Brookfield have agreed to divvy-up the assets, meaning the end of the saga […] Read More »

Is the Asciano sale nearing an end?

Mar 17, 2016

The Asciano debacle has taken yet another turn, with Qube and Brookfield agreeing to divvy-up Asciano  – potentially meaning the seemingly never-ending back and forth bidding war may soon be over. The proposed deal would […] Read More »

Help keep Newcastle’s public transport in public hands

Mar 17, 2016

The NSW Government’s plans to privatise Newcastle’s buses, ferries and light rail are still well and truly on the agenda. If this is allowed to happen, it would be disastrous for local workers and the […] Read More »

Aurizon in-cab recording – what you said

Mar 17, 2016

After seeing Aurizon’s lacklustre attempt at an employee survey to gauge workers’ views on the introduction of in-cab recording systems, the Loco Division decided to launch our own member survey. Click here to see the […] Read More »

