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Sydney Trains Future Operations update: delegates endorse continued engagement

Jun 22, 2017

Members are advised that at the recent Electric Train Drivers Committee meeting delegates endorsed continued engagement with Sydney Trains in an effort to finalise the Sydney Trains – Drivers Future Operations proposal to take to […] Read More »

Sydney Trains proposed changes would affect passengers with disability

Jun 21, 2017

Representatives from the Locomotive and Operations Divisions met with Sydney Trains yesterday regarding a recently resurrected project to amend OSP 25. The proposed changes would see station staff required to use Emergency Help Points to […] Read More »

All the latest on PN Intermodal negotiations

Jun 21, 2017

Your RTBU Negotiating Team have been hard at work to get you the best possible EA. Our last meeting was the 13th and 14th of June. The next meeting is on the 20th and 21st […] Read More »

More job cuts at PN coal

Jun 21, 2017

PN Coal yesterday advised the RTBU that it has decided to axe two more Driver Trainer roles at Port Waratah. This is in spite of the fact that our members have been advising us for […] Read More »

Don’t Be Bullied by Management. Know Your Rights.

Jun 20, 2017

If a manager approaches or calls you about how or why you are going to vote, you do not have to answer. It is your legal right to participate in the voting confidentially and, in […] Read More »

Get your Lily White badge to celebrate the centenary of the 1917 Great Strike

Jun 19, 2017

As part of the centenary celebrations of the 1917 Great Strike, Unions NSW has produced a stunning union badge to commemorate the courage of the unionists who remained on strike for six  weeks in defiance […] Read More »

RailTrain vote coming up: VOTE NO!

Jun 19, 2017

On Tuesday the 20th of June Railtrain will be asking you vote on their new Enterprise Agreement. The RTBU is unreservedly saying VOTE NO. This Agreement is second-rate and does not come anywhere near what […] Read More »

Update on the privatisation of Sydney Buses

Jun 16, 2017

Read on for the latest facts and ways you can support our bus drivers: Bus Drivers Community Assembly 6.30PM, June 28 at Uniting Church 264 Pitt St Sydney Join with Sydney Bus drivers, maintenance workers and […] Read More »

Loco Division fights for fair rosters at Sydney Trains’ Campbelltown depot

Jun 15, 2017

The Locomotive Division wishes to report on an ongoing roster issue playing out at Campbelltown Depot. The Depot Rebalancing program operating under the Future Operations umbrella has seen a significant uplift in numbers of train […] Read More »

150 years of trains in the Blue Mountains

Jun 15, 2017

An important anniversary is looming for train tragics in the Mountains and Valley Heights Rail Museum volunteers are keen to see it remembered. The line between Penrith and Wentworth Falls opened 150 years ago in […] Read More »

