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NIF consultation recommences

Jul 27, 2017

The RTBU recently met with NSW Trains and the NIF Train project group to discuss the next consultative phase of this project. From August and for approximately six months, RTBU delegates will discuss the varied […] Read More »

NSW Trains: Rostering dispute lodged

Jul 27, 2017

Regional members are advised that a Step 2 Dispute has been lodged with NSW Trains in regards to the implementation of the Opcrew rostering system across regional depots. This implementation has resulted in the period […] Read More »

Win for Sydney Trains members: 4 X 193km protection secured!

Jul 27, 2017

Your Locomotive Division Representatives recently met with Sydney Trains management to re-enforce the long standing condition of employment which limits the number of mileage shifts a Driver can perform each fortnight. In spite of continued […] Read More »

United for secure jobs

Jul 27, 2017

Union delegates and representatives met with Sydney and NSW Trains management on the 25th July to talk about the issues that matter in your new Agreement. We put forward a plan for negotiations. Our plan […] Read More »

Foreshadowed tolls make rail look better for South Coast commuters

Jul 26, 2017

Imagine you have a specialist’s appointment in the centre of Sydney. Do you take the train? Or do you you drive? If the toll structure flagged for the F6 extension is to be believed, the […] Read More »

Blue Mountains rail celebrates 150 years

Jul 25, 2017

When the Great Western Line opened up 150 years ago there was no pomp and ceremony, unlike the bacchanalian feast in February of the same year of 1867, to celebrate the opening of the Great Southern […] Read More »

The power and passion of union boss Sally McManus

Jul 24, 2017

The Guardian has published an excellent profile on ACTU Secretary Sally McManus. It’s long, but it’s well worth the read! As ACTU president Ged Kearney told The Guardian: “This is the time for Sally McManus. She hasn’t changed […] Read More »

ALP left seeks to lift taxes, boost the ‘right to strike’

Jul 22, 2017

NSW Labor’s left will push a radical­ economic agenda at next week’s party conference, including increased taxes on high-­income earners, an inheritance tax, a guaranteed “basic income” for people who do not work and the […] Read More »

Update No.6: Asbestos in C and K Sets

Jul 22, 2017

The Sydney Trains WHS Divisional Committee has advised the Locomotive Division that the following C and K sets have been tested and verified safe to re-enter service by an external independent Hygienist. Download the Footplate […] Read More »

Michael Stirton retires after 39 years of RTBU membership

Jul 22, 2017

Around 30 RTBU  members of the Pacific National Moss Vale Social Club invited the RTBU Freight Organiser (Kevin Pryor) to attend a retirement function for Michael Stirton at the Moss Vale Golf Club on Saturday […] Read More »

