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Newsflash: Pacific National Intermodal – Voting on Your EBA!

Dec 8, 2017

Voting on your Enterprise Agreement begins Thursday 7th of December and will be open until midnight Tuesday the 12th of December. Please click here to download the newsflash for more information.  Read More »

Tell Malcolm Turnbull this royal commission must not be used to attack workers’ retirement savings.

Dec 1, 2017

Dear members,  Tell Malcolm Turnbull this royal commission must not be used to attack workers’ retirement savings. After two years of ruling it out, Malcolm Turnbull yesterday backflipped and announced a royal commission into the […] Read More »

November rail history insights

Dec 1, 2017

Read as Bob Newham, passenger organiser, explores some of the incredible history behind rail in New South Wales. As you will discover, the month of November has many stories to tell…   Click here to […] Read More »

Westmead Children’s Hospital donations appeal

Dec 1, 2017

Greetings Members  With less than a month to go before Christmas, today marked the start of the Blacktown Depot 2017 Christmas Gift Appeal, an initiative that was started by our Area Manager Paul Bartolo last […] Read More »

Tim Crakanthorp delivers bitter lesson to NSW Parliament

Nov 29, 2017

Member for Hunter, Tim Crakanthorp delivered this shameless State Government a bitter lesson in morality in Parliament recently for their decision to build the New InterCity Fleet in South Korea. Our State manufacturing industry has […] Read More »

Southern Shorthaul Railway Enterprise Agreement Negotiations Update

Nov 29, 2017

The RTBU last met with SSR Management on the 10th October 2017. We have not heard from them since. We have also become aware that new Depots have been set up in Victoria, which SSR […] Read More »

Hornsby Yard Re-Modelling Training

Nov 28, 2017

Members will be rostered for the continuation of the training intervention: “Hornsby Yard Re-Modelling Training”. There should be communications from the business reflecting this.  The RTBU Locomotive Division have been involved in the development of […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Trainee Pay Adjustments

Nov 28, 2017

Members are advised that a dispute has been lodged in relation to incremental pay adjustments for new drivers.   As per the EA 2014 trainee drivers are paid at  ● Driver 1 Year Trainee. Then […] Read More »

Sydney & NSW Trains: FWC Order documents

Nov 28, 2017

Sydney & NSW Trains members, As you may know, on Friday our application for a Protected Action Ballot was confirmed. The below documents are the orders by the Fair Work Commission for your information. Please […] Read More »

New Intercity Fleet: Trish Doyle proves Constance is out of touch

Nov 27, 2017

NSW Member for Blue Mountains, Trish Doyle, lambasted the current Transport Minister in Parliament last Thursday after she organised and collected a 12,000 signature petition to protest against the current Government’s decision to build the […] Read More »

