NSW Trains January 2020 Timetable Change

Oct 18, 2019NSW Trains Update

NSW Trains Members will be aware that the timetable will change in early 2020 which results in new diagrams being constructed and consulted upon, followed by consultation and construction of new rosters. New diagrams have recently been supplied to delegates and consultation meetings have occurred regarding their contents. Eveleigh has been most affected with the removal of 81 weekday diagrams from their current diagram consist. This has allegedly come about because NSW Trains cannot maintain drivers at Eveleigh or replace them from Sydney Trains and has apparently been distributing up to 12 lines of work as overtime or to other depots to cover the shortfall.

The reasons for this are varied, there is dissent in the depot from existing drivers regarding an escalation of disciplinary matters and how they are handled, constant changes to diagrams resulting in disturbance to work life balance and, last but not least, the approaching arrival of the NIF trains which drivers have stated they do not want to drive under the proposed operating model. Transfers out of Eveleigh are at an all time high and intake from Sydney Trains has dried up but no one within NSW Trains appears to be listening  or is prepared to do anything about the current morale crisis which they seem to be encouraging. Under the proposed diagrams, Eveleigh’s loss of working may well result in an inability to retain current route knowledge qualification with a further “review” proposed for May 2020. The slashing of Eveleigh’s current working does nothing but exacerbate the problems within that depot and worse, other depots are now dragged into the mess.

Gosford depot will gain working from Eveleigh with an additional 41 weekday diagrams which will result in an increase of 8 to 10 extra lines of work. Whereas this additional work will address the long standing imbalance between day and afternoon work, it now results in less weekend working for which the depot has lodged a dispute. Newcastle has also lost work however, issues have arisen during the consult regarding potential breaches of the DR&WA in the allocation of Scone and Muswellbrook working. There are also issues now apparent at Mt Victoria where it appears the depot relief ratio has not been met. In short, the current proposed diagrams for the January timetable change have resulted in disputes, with more pending and gross dissatisfaction amongst drivers in general in NSW Trains.

