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Footplate: QUBE EA

Apr 28, 2018QUBE Update

It is time to prepare to negotiate our new enterprise agreement (EA). This Agreement sets out your working conditions so it is important you get involved.

This survey is your chance to have your say on what your priorities for negotiations are and what we can do together to win on these issues. The Surveys for your new EA have been sent to your email address.

If you haven’t received a Survey, you can download a copy here, contact your local Delegate or contact Kevin Pryor.

The survey closes on the 4th May Once the Survey has closed, we will collate the information into a log of claims for you/Members to endorse. Please remember “YOU” are the union and “YOU” will decide what is included in the next Agreement. Regular report back meetings / phone conference will be held. Click here to check out the Qube Tour information. 

