Critical Safety Alert – Queensland Rail: Suspension of Locomotive “Long End Leading” Operations Updated
– All Rail Transport Operators who operate rail traffic on the Queensland Rail Network
– All workers involved in the movement of rail traffic for which Queensland rail is the accredited Rollingstock Operator, on any rail infrastructure managers network.
Locomotive/s operating on the Queensland Rail network running lines MUST be operating with the rail traffic crew cab at the leading end of the movement, as per design of the rollingstock. The rail traffic crew MUST also be operating from the leading cab for the movement.
Where Queensland Rail is the accredited Rollingstock Operator, locomotive/s operating on running lines on any rail infrastructure managers network MUST be operating with the rail traffic crew cab at the leading end of the movement, as per design of the rollingstock. The rail traffic crew MUST also be operating from the leading cab for the movement.
The following is permitted, in accordance with Queensland Rail’s Safety and Environment Management System:
- Setting back and propelling movements (including maintenance closures)
- Shunting and turning movements, which include movement on an angle or the running line with the locomotive being in long end leading configuration during part of the movement
The recovery of failed trains is also permitted, subject to the implementation of a documented and approved Recovery Plan inclusive of a Risk Assessment and subsequent identification and implementation of appropriate controls (including, but not limited to, speed restriction).
Exceptions to this requirement will require an approved derogation.
Actions to be Taken
- All Rail Transport Operators and their workers must cease locomotive “long end leading operations as per the requirements of this Critical Safety Alert
- All workers involved in the movement of rail traffic for which Queensland Rail is the accredited Rollingstock Operator, on any rail infrastructure managers network must cease locomotive “long end leading” operations as per the requirements of this Critical Safety Alert